The Mann Report publication wrote an inspiring article geared towards to importance of bringing owners into CRE. It’s no surprise that Beck-Reit’s own DeLea Becker was top of mind on this topic, as bringing more women into Commercial Real Estate is probably her favorite passion project.

“Even as commercial real estate tries to include more women, there are some secrets beneath the stats. Despite years of efforts and outreach, women occupy just 36.7% of the commercial real estate sector, accord- ing to a 2020 Commercial Real Estate Women’s (CREW) network survey.

The percentage of commercial real estate owned by women is so small that it’s even hard to verify, though 3% is a number being shared. Now, however, a group of women CRE professionals are investing in various categories of the industry and helping others learn how to do so to build sustainable wealth and a legacy for their own families and women overall.

Read what DeLea and a few other powerhouse women had to say here


Women's Real Estate Investor Summit featuring DeLea Becker


The Texas Triangle Podcast | Dr. Lloyd Potter