What an honor it has been to spend time with Patricia Rogers at Austin Business Journal this year going over my history for the ABJ Profile. First and foremost, I gained a friend. Second, I have had incredible outpouring of text, emails, comments on social media supporting the article and my candor and honesty in answering questions. When you read the article, take what you like and leave the rest. Feel free to reach out to me if any of the subjects mentioned peak your interest. And remember - Get Up, Suit Up, and Show Up because Chance Favors Those In Motion. delea@beckreit.com

Let me know if you have issues accessing the article (click title below):

Journal Profile : The Simple but Stylish Life of DeLea Becker

Excerpt from article:

How do you handle everything on your plate? My No. 1 super power is I get out of bed at 4 a.m. My head is full of worry [until] I sit down in my meditation room to read scripture, pray and meditate. I do compartmentalize [and] stack tasks on certain days. I am very protective of my weekends — I do very little work, I do not communicate via email and phone unless it is an emergency.

What are you focused on now?

Leasing three properties in East Austin and reviewing insurance for clients - all 14 Building Policies and 32 Tenant Policies.

I will continue to focus my efforts in East Austin where I landed right after college graduation. I moved there after UT and my first job was in East Austin. I’ve had roots there for 20 years, longer than any other community in my life.

What is your long-term property acquisition goal?

Now, being a planner I do have all the phases of my life sketched out. I want to have built a portfolio of income-producing commercial properties 20 buildings strong. In the long-term, I want this portfolio for my family. I also want my kids, grandkids and down to be able to see their inheritance.

How do you plan for what you don’t know?

My motto is get up, suit up, show up. I have gotten very comfortable "flying the plane while I build it." It has come in handy as the pandemic ensued and we have all been left figuring it out by the hour.

What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made in business and what did you learn from it?

I started a barbecue business on South 1st, J Mueller BBQ, in 2011. I learned so many things. One, any business I own will have my name on it. Two, any “partner” in the business puts money in, otherwise they are just an employee. Three, don’t get in a rush. We opened in a food trailer rather than waiting patiently to buy a brick-and-mortar location because the pit master was in a hurry to get open. Four, time heals — the more time that is between me and that experience, the less I react to it. The business is a success today. We sold it to LeAnn Mueller in 2013 and it is on Cesar Chavez in East Austin, La Barbecue.

What is the best advice you have received and pass on to others?

I can attribute a great deal of my work style to my sister-in-law Randa Becker [who owns R Events]. One, you never come to a client with a problem without having three solutions.

What’s been your biggest accomplishment so far?

My biggest personal success was finding my person and sticking with him 21 years. It may sound cliche, but they say the most important decision you make in life is who you marry.

Favorite Quote:

“Chance Favors Those In Motion”

What’s the most influential book you’ve read? Emmet Fox's "The Sermon on the Mount." It began my avid reading of the Bible.

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