EAST AUSTIN UPDATE : Demand for Lease Space
People talk about the quick growth of East Austin. Really, the crazy part has been the significant increase in demand and rental rates in the past 5 years. Many businesses started moving here before the boom. We bought our building at 1101 East 6th and renovated in 2006. We kept our Beck-Reit & Sons, LTD. offices here till 2011 when we moved father east away from the massive SXSW crowds which shuts the streets of Austin down during the spring.
Now our old Capitol Paint Building is in high demand by High Tech Companies ranging from Princeton Review to Lyft, Inc. We are happy to announce The SMB Help Desk, Inc. are our newest tenants that will call this building home. Our newest neighbors Handsome, LLC are going into 1000 E Sixth.
We certainly can’t say we discovered the East Side, but we are definitely in the category that talks nostalgically about the old days.